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Other grosse absurdities of witchmongers in this matter of conjurations. pag. 443.

Certaine conjurations taken out of the pontificall and out of the missall. pag. 444.

¶ A conjuration written in the masse booke. Fol. 1. pag. 445. Oremus. pag. 445.

That popish priests leave nothing unconjured, a forme of exorcisme for incense. pag. 446.

The rules and lawes of popish Exorcists and other conjurors all one, with a confutation of their whole power, how S. Martine conjured the divell. pag. 447.

That it is a shame for papists to beleeve other conjurors dooings, their owne being of so litle force, Hippocrates his opinion herein. pag. 450./

How conjurors have beguiled witches, what bookes they carie about to procure credit to their art, wicked assertions against Moses and Joseph. pag. 451.

[S s vii. v.]

All magicall arts confuted by an argument concerning Nero, what Cornelius Agrippa and Carolus Gallus have left written therof, and prooved by experience. pag. 452.

Of Salomons conjurations, and of the opinion conceived of his cunning and practise therein. pag. 454.
