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Lessons read in all churches, where the pope hath authoritie, on Saint Margarets daie, translated into English word for word. pag. 455.

A delicate storie of a Lombard, who by saint Margarets example would needs fight with a reall divell. pag. 457.

The storie of S. Margaret prooved to be both ridiculous and impious in everie point. pag. 459.

A pleasant miracle wrought by a popish preest. pag. 460.

The former miracle confuted, with a strange storie of S. Lucie. pag 461.

Of visions, noises, apparitions, and imagined sounds, and of other illusions, of wandering soules: with a confutation thereof. pag. 461.

Cardanus opinion of strange noises, how counterfet visions grow to be credited, of popish appeerances, of pope Boniface. pag. 464.

Of the noise or sound of eccho, of one that narrowlie escaped drowning thereby &c. pag. 465.

Of Theurgie, with a confutation therof, a letter sent to me concerning these matters. pag. 466.

¶ The copie of a letter sent unto me R. S. by T. E. Maister of art, and practiser both of physicke, and also in times past, of certeine vaine sciences; now condemned to die for the same: wherein he openeth the truth touching these deceits. pag. 467.
