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Item,267 to spet into your owne bosome, if you be so bewitched, is verie good.

268 Item, to pisse through a wedding ring. If you would know who is hurt in his privities by witchcraft; and who otherwise is therein diseased, Hostiensis answereth: but so, as I am ashamed to english it: and therefore have here set downe his experiment in Latine; Quando virga nullatenùs movetur, & nunquam potuit cognoscere; hoc est signum frigiditatis: sed quando movetur & erigitur, perficere autem non potest, est signum maleficii.

But Sir Th. Moore269 hath such a cure in this matter, as I am ashamed to write, either in Latine or English: for in filthie bawderie it passeth all the tales that ever I heard. But that is/83. rather a medicine to procure generation, than the cure of witchcraft, though it serve both turnes.

Item,270 when ones instrument of venerie is bewitched, certeine characters must be written in virgine parchment, celebrated and holied by a popish priest; and thereon also must the 141. Psalme be written, and bound Ad viri fascinati coxam.
