Читать книгу The Discovery of Witchcraft. Facts, Fiction & Conspiracy Theories Behind the Medieval Witch Hunt онлайн

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A conclusion of the first booke, wherein is foreshewed the tyrannicall crueltie of witchmongers and inquisitors, with a request to the reader to peruse the same. ssss1.

The second Booke.

WHat testimonies and witnesses are allowed to give evidence against reputed witches, by the report and allowance of the inquisitors themselves, & such as are speciall writers herein. ssss1.

The order of examination of witches by the inquisitors. ssss1.

Matters of evidence against witches. ssss1.

Confessions of witches, whereby they are condemned. ssss1.

Presumptions, whereby witches are condemned. ssss1.

Particular interogatories used by the inquisitors against witches. ssss1.

The inquisitors triall of weeping by conjuration. ssss1.

Certeine cautions against witches, and of their tortures to procure confession. ssss1.

The 15. crimes laid to the charge of witches, by witchmongers; speciallie by Bodin, in Demonomania. ssss1.

A refutation of the former surmised crimes patched togither by Bodin, and the onelie waie to escape the inquisitors hands. ssss1.
