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But there are also significant disadvantages in the development of the energy sector. The composition of the atmosphere is changing due to the release of harmful substances, the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing, which is more aggressive than oxygen, and “the lungsˮ of our planet: the jungles of the Amazon River basin, the forests of Siberia, can no longer cope with all this.

People have begun to forget that we are only a small part of nature and are an integral part of it, and this forgetfulness can cost us all dearly.

The activities of people lead to dramatic changes in the world around us. Our society now understands and sounds the alarm about this, but sometimes environmental protection is limited only to words, bright speeches, and all this will not change anything. What is really being done now in this direction?

Currently, various types of alternative energy are proposed. The leading places are occupied by wind energy and solar.

The use of wind turbines and solar panels to some extent allows us to provide the population with safe energy that is so necessary for everyone. But these “environmentally friendly” species also have their drawbacks. Large areas are needed to obtain sufficient energy. Now this problem has been solved. Wind turbines and solar panels are installed in coastal waters, but this does not solve other problems.
