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Oxenbrigge and Elisabeth Alard laughed loudly, but Catherine was sorry for him, now that she knew he was not one of those terrible Mumpsimus men, who go about mocking the Mass with tin cups and pellets of bone.

"Donna' be scared," she said. "The Squire woan't hurt 'ee. Put on thy philosopher's hat and read our quarterings. Then thou shalt have a drink of huffcap."

"That's right. Give orders for the law to be broken in my house. Kate's the Squire!"

"'Tis only a game, Father. The poor old fellow came to make the servants laugh, and now seemingly we've scared him out of his wits."

"That's true, my lord. 'Tis only a game, and one I've played before all the nobility and gentry in these parts. I read the future for Squire Wildigos at Iridge place, and told him on an heir, who came, sure enough, two months later."

"And how big was his lady at the time?" cried Catherine. "Stick to the game, fellow, I counsel thee, or my father will have thee in the stocks."

"Surelye, my lady, surelye. I'm well known hereabouts for an honest man, and for telling honest fortunes. For the gentry I use coats of arms, for the poor folk the stars. I've already told my niece that since her moon is in gemini she may expect to be brought to bed of twins at her second lying-in."
