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"If you have a warrant," said Fleet, with an air of resignation, "I must submit, but I shall write to the Secretary of State—this is the most disgraceful thing that has ever happened."

Inspector Timms, being a wise and experienced police officer, said nothing. The drawers of the desk were examined quickly and then:

"Have you the key of that safe?"

Without a word, Fleet took the key from his pocket and handed it to the inspector. For a second, Locks' heart sank. He followed the police officer to the wall and watched with a detached interest while the safe door was pulled open. With the exception of a few account books, the safe was empty. There was neither money nor jewels.

It was with difficulty that he suppressed the gasp of surprise which rose involuntarily to his lips.

"Nothing there," said Timms. "I am extremely sorry, Mr. Fleet, to have subjected you to this inconvenience, but I am fairly certain that Locks did the job, and I am equally certain that he had the jewels when he left his house this morning. One of my men saw his pocket bulging, but did not tell me till it was too late."
