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The noise and confusion now were very great. Old Dunstable had slipped beneath the table.

Wilson of Ireby was standing on his chair proposing healths; fat Dick Conyngham of Penrith and a thin young man with a crooked nose were embracing. Voices rose and fell, then suddenly the chorus, everyone joining together:

Then chink and clink your glasses round

And drink to the Devil below the ground.

The more you drink the better you be

And kiss the lasses upon your knee.

Chink, clink!

Chink, clink!

The Devil himself can't drink like me.

Then young Drayton of Keswick, whose sweet tenor was famous for miles around, stood up and sang the song of 'Beauty Bathing':

Beauty sat bathing by a spring

Where fairest shades did hide her;

The winds blew calm, the birds did sing,

The cool streams ran beside her.

My wanton thoughts enticed mine eye

To see what was forbidden:

But better memory said, fie!

So vain desire was chidden:

Hey nonny nonny O!

Hey nonny nonny!

Into a slumber then I fell,

When fond imagination
