Читать книгу Three Plays by Granville Barker: The Marrying of Ann Leete, The Voysey Inheritance & Waste онлайн

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lord john.I apologise.

ann.Why is it so dark?

lord john.Can you hear what I'm saying?


lord john.I apologise for having kissed you... almost unintentionally.

ann.Thank you. Mind the steps down.

lord john.I hope I'm sober, but the air...

ann.Shall we sit for a minute? There are several seats to sit on somewhere.

lord john.This is a very dark garden.

There is a slight pause.

ann.You've won your bet.

lord john.So you did scream!

ann.But it wasn't fair.

lord john.Don't reproach me.

ann.Somebody's coming.

lord john.How d'you know?

ann.I can hear somebody coming.

lord john.We're not sitting down.

ann's brother, george leete comes to the top of the steps, and afterwards down them. Rather an old young man.



george.My lord!

lord john.Here.

george.I can't see you. I'm sent to say we're all anxious to know what ghost or other bird of night or beast has frightened Ann to screaming point, and won you... the best in Tatton's stables—so he says now. He's quite annoyed.

lord john.The mare is a very good mare.
