Читать книгу Three Plays by Granville Barker: The Marrying of Ann Leete, The Voysey Inheritance & Waste онлайн

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sarah.You surprise me sometimes by breaking out into cant phrases.

carnaby.What is more useful in the world than honour?

sarah.I think we never had any.. we!

carnaby.Give me more details. Tell me, who is this man?

sarah.I'm innocent.. if that were all.

ann.Sally, what do they say you've done?

sarah.I cry out like any poor girl.

carnaby.There must be no doubt that you're innocent. Why not go for to force Charles into court?

sarah.My innocence is not of the sort which shows up well.

carnaby.Hold publicity in reserve. No fear of the two men arranging to meet, is there?

sarah.They've met.. and they chatted about me.

carnaby.[After a moment.]There's sound humour in that.

sarah.I shall feel able to laugh at them both from Yorkshire.

carnaby.God forbid! Come to Brighton.. we'll rally Charles no end.

sarah.Papa, I know there's nothing to be done.


sarah.Besides I don't think I want to go back to my happiness.

They are silent for a little.

carnaby.How still! Look.. leaves falling already. Can that man hear what we're saying?
