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"Hello-o-o," she said. "Where you been? I haven't seen you for days and days." She took a cigarette. "Been away?"


"You look awful nice. That a new suit?"

He didn't answer.

"My, we aren't very chummy today. What's the matter?"

"As a matter of fact," he said, "I was--thinking."

"Okay, that's all right," she said. "I'll come back and have a drink with you later, maybe. Huh?"


She moved down the bar and began talking to the other two men.

His drink was finished and he had not felt it at all. It had been so much water. Funny that he hadn't noticed even the faintest small tingle. He only felt relaxed, for the first time in days--so relaxed that it was almost fatigue. He nodded to Sam and another rye was set before him.

It was true, what he had said about thinking. Ordinarily he enjoyed talking to Sam by the hour--they were old friends; at times he thought of Sam as one of the persons he was fondest of in all the world--but today he didn't feel like talking. He was suddenly very low, all spirit gone. He downed the drink almost at once and asked for another. While Sam opened a new bottle, he looked at his face in the mirror over the bar.

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