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His additional instructions, dated a few weeks later, contained the following significant and outstanding article.

"You shall endeavour by all fitting means to obtain and preserve a good correspondence and free commerce with the plantations and territories belonging to the King of Spain, for all such our subjects as shall trade there with security to their persons, ships, and goods, and with regulations for the benefit of trade as shall seem to you and the council most advantageous to the same; but if the governor of the King of Spain shall refuse to admit our subjects to trade with them, you shall in such case endeavour to procure and settle a trade with his subjects in those parts by force, and by doing any such acts upon and against them as you and the council shall judge most proper to oblige them to admit you to a free trade with them according to your commission and the instructions now given you herein or which you shall hereafter receive from us declaring whom we have treated and accounted as enemies to us."[34]
