Читать книгу The Life of Sir Henry Morgan. With an account of the English settlement of the island of Jamaica онлайн

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The English rushed forward with loud shouts in the face of a general discharge of artillery and musketry, which being ill-aimed and ill-timed, did them little harm, scaled the barricades, and scattered their opponents.

"With themselves and the helpe of Don Christopher, who fairely ran away," Mings stated, "wee routed the rest, a pursueing them divers waies through the towne of which beeing masters, Some 6 small vessels were swam too and possessed by our soldiers, their men through feare diserted them."[40]

The rest of that day was spent by the victors in ransacking the deserted buildings, and afterwards, while resting, in considering what they should do next. In the morning five hundred men in several parties were sent out in different directions in pursuit of the fugitives, and a hundred seamen went back to reinforce the fleet, which had been left weakly manned, with orders to attack the defences of the harbour, "with assurance at the same tyme wee would not fayle them with a considerable party to atempt the inward and most esential works."
