Читать книгу The Life of Sir Henry Morgan. With an account of the English settlement of the island of Jamaica онлайн

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Sir Charles Lyttleton, the deputy governor, took over the administration, and Captain Christopher Mings was sworn as a member of the Council, probably in recognition of his recent service. Early in November some Spaniards arrived from Cuba under a pretence of trading, but their subsequent conduct excited suspicion and the Council seriously debated whether it was not probable that the people of that island, enraged at the destruction of Santiago, were contemplating retaliation and that these men were sent as spies. Five of the captured copper cannon were ordered to be sold and the proceeds applied to the completion of the fortification on "Point Cagua," which was officially given the name of Fort Charles in honour of the King. All revenue due to the Crown was called in and forty men were set at work to finish this small fort. It then consisted only of a round tower of stone surrounded by an embankment of sand. By the end of the year a new half-moon battery was built and several guns mounted in it.[44]
