Читать книгу The Life of Sir Henry Morgan. With an account of the English settlement of the island of Jamaica онлайн

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"What likewise contributed not a little to the Advantage of the Colony was the Removal of a great many Gentlemen of Estates from other Islands, who settled here", the well informed historian Leslie wrote, about 1740. "They knew that the Fertility of the Soil would make large Returns for their pains, and therefore many, but chiefly Sir Thomas Modiford, who before this had acquired a vast Estate in Barbados, left that place and settled in Jamaica, where he set about Improvements and shewed the Planters a fair way of getting rich; he taught them how to order the Cane, which before they were almost ignorant of; and with the greatest Good Nature gave them all the insight he could into the Methods of planting, cleaning, grinding, boiling, and curing the Cane. He soon patented vast Tracts of Land, and in a short time reduced it into such good order, that others led by his Example and Hope of Gain, pursued the same way and by Degrees they came to vie with any other of the Neighbours for the Quantity and Goodness of their Sugar and at last to outstrip them all."[46]
