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Finally the situation was seen to be so critical that on the 22nd February, 1666, it was considered at a meeting of the Council. Besides the governor, who presided, eight members were present and after some deliberation, the following astonishing resolution was passed unanimously and entered on the Minutes:

"Resolved that it is in the interest of the island to have letters of marque granted against the Spaniard.

"1. Because it furnishes the island with many necessary commodities at easy rates.

"2. It replenishes the island with coin, bullion, cocoa, logwood, hides, tallow, indigo, cochineal, and many other commodities, whereby the men of New England are invited to bring their provisions and many merchants to reside at Port Royal.

"3. It helps the poorer planters by selling provisions to the men-of-war.

"4. It hath and will enable many to buy slaves and settle plantations, as Harmenson, Brinicain, and many others, who have considerable plantations.

"5. It draws down yearly from the Windward Islands many an hundred of English, French, and Dutch, many of whom turn planters.
