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"Ah! it's little your honoured grandfather looked to such a day as this my swate crature!—but its like ye'll come back to your place lady in due time, an then you'll remember the childer if my head be laid—becase they're all your own to the thing in my arms—look up Sheely dare and make your obadience to miss."

"Hold your tongue, wife, what for would ye brake the heart o' the angel? is'nt the eyes of her running over all day wi laving the birds, and the hounds, and the childer, and the foals, that she fed wi her own beautiful hands—oh! blessing on the hour she'll reign over us."

If those who help us in the day of distress are dear to us, still more dear are those we have assisted, and as poor little Maria heard the blessings called on her head, from lips that had hailed her approach on the bed of sickness, or in the hour of want, she felt as if they were so dear to her, so entwined with her earliest recollections, and her happiest moments, that her very heart was breaking under the pain of separation.
