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"The face is familiar in some way, inspector, but I confess—"

"You know him, Sergeant Bluett?"

Bluett, who was examining the contents of a wallet he had found on the dead man, turned. The newspaper in his trouser pocket seemed to impede his movements: he removed it and put it in an inside coat pocket.

"No. I was just trying to find out."

"Aye, it's a fact that a man's appearance undergoes a subtle change after he has had his neck broken. It's Sir Giles Loeder."

"Good God!—so it is," Dr. Fawcett exclaimed. "I heard him broadcast from the B.B.C. this evening—postscript to the nine o'clock news!"

"Aye? Is that so? Weel, no doubt ye'll be wishing to complete your examination, doctor. I will leave you to it ... Is it possible for us, Lord Marcus, to sit down anywheres while I ask you a few simple questions?"

"I am at your disposal, Chief Inspector. Will you be good enough to come this way."

Lord Marcus crossed before the curtain, and opened a door in a recess which one might not have suspected to be there. He stood aside, slightly inclining his head again. Firth and Bluett, each casting an odd, sidelong glance at that which lay on the Roman couch, entered a room which was evidently a study.
