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There was a lot in this, or so we thought at the time, and the reflection was comforting. Now, of course, most of us are convinced that those were mere spying expeditions on their part, and that if only our men had known the language better they would have been able to detect the fraud.

Grog observed that no sane person wanted a war ever and that the whole thing resolved into blasted greed, and meanwhile where was the bat oil?

This return to what honestly seemed then the more important, since more imminent, matters in life cheered everyone up, and the preparations for the party went forward earnestly.


It occurs to me that, whereas Americans as a rule like to find out who people are as a book goes on, British folk usually prefer formal introductions, so for the purposes of this English edition perhaps I ought to explain here our various relationships.

P.Y.C. and Grog met at school when they were twelve and ten respectively, and have kept together ever since, and are practically brothers. My family and P.Y.C.'s have known each other since my father and his uncle were friends at Cambridge in the eighties, and P.Y.C. and I married about fourteen years ago. Cooee was a student friend of mine, and is the horse-lover of the group. She came to manage our house for me when I had to neglect it for my own work, and she introduced the animals into the establishment. Christine, whose family I have known since a child, is our housemaid. Margaret was cooking for us at this time. Albert is builder, plumber, and wireless expert to Auburn generally, and like everyone else mentioned is a neighbour and a friend.
