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"I have here Corporal Greenwood's statement, sir" said Hornblower, "signed with his mark and attested by Mr. Wellard and myself."

"Thank you" said Buckland, taking the paper; there was some slight hesitation in Buckland's gesture as though the document were a firecracker likely to go off unexpectedly. But only Bush, who was looking for it, could have noticed the hesitation. It was only a few hours since Buckland had been a fugitive in peril of his life, creeping through the bowels of the ship trying to avoid detection, and the names of Wellard and Greenwood, reminding him of this, were a shock to his ears. And like a demon conjured up by the saying of his name, Wellard appeared at that moment at the wardroom door.

"Mr. Roberts sent me down to ask for orders, sir" he said.

Roberts had the watch, and must be fretting with worry about what was going on below decks. Buckland stood in indecision.

"Both watches are on deck, sir" said Hornblower, deferentially.

Buckland looked an inquiry at him.

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