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ssss1 presents the response surface methodology, an optimization technique, to design a catalytic cracking experiment of plastic waste. The catalyst-to-feedstock ratio, the operating temperature and the reaction time were chosen as an effective parameter of the catalytic cracking process. The characterization of the obtained liquid product was performed using the Fourier transform with infrared (FTIR) spectra, gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis and physico-chemical analysis. This chapter concludes that the developed quadratic model is well fit to the experimental domains and predicts operating conditions that are most suitable for conducting catalytic cracking experiments under recycling techniques of lightweight materials, especially plastics.

ssss1, the first chapter of ssss1, discusses laser welding. The uniqueness of this chapter is the way it has dealt with the subject. The finite element analysis was used to select suitable models for the Gaussian beam profile and the application of the Frustum model to conduction mode welding and keyhole laser welds. Temperature and stress analysis was carried out within and around the weld region. This chapter discusses the analytical comparative approximation of different model approaches applicable to the laser weld process, and indicates that the parametric study information will be useful to the engineers of nuclear fabrication applications in finalizing different components.
