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16 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 This survey radiograph shows a large space occupying lesion in t...Figure 13.2 The operating room layout for repair of a sliding hiatal hernia ...Figure 13.3 Port position for repair of sliding hiatal hernia is shown. The ...Figure 13.4 The operating room setup and port positioned are shown in this i...Figure 13.5 The left lateral lobe of the liver is being retracted by a blunt...Figure 13.6 Hiatal plication is being performed using intra‐corporeal suturi...Figure 13.7 The first two sutures of the hiatal plication are pictured showi...Figure 13.8 Initiation of the esophagopexy is shown using barbed suture. The...Figure 13.9 A left‐sided gastropexy is the final part of the surgical repair...Figure 13.10 The completed left‐sided intracorporeally‐sutured gastropexy is...Figure 13.11 Liver lacerations can be seen secondary to iatrogenic instrumen...

17 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 The operating room is set up for laparoscopic splenectomy with t...Figure 14.2 For multiport total laparoscopic splenectomy (TLS), the procedur...Figure 14.3 A single incision laparoscopic device has been placed 3–5 cm cau...Figure 14.4 A wound retractor device (WRD) has been placed for performing LA...Figure 14.5 During total laparoscopic multiport splenectomy, the spleen is r...Figure 14.6 A vessel‐sealing device can be seen sealing and dividing the fin...Figure 14.7 The WRD is in place and the spleen with the splenic mass has bee...Figure 14.8 During laparoscopic‐assisted splenectomy the spleen is manually ...
