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It (be../ было бы) nice if he (work../ если бы он…) with local depositors from those countries today the entire evening until the meeting (start..).

I (say../ сказал) that then we (can../ могли бы) have had a problem.

…number (!) unsuccessful transactions across several countries (can../ могло бы) increase over …course (!) several days.

You (say../ сказали) that that day we (have../ мы бы…) three local depositors from South Africa, if we (do../ если бы мы…) everything right.

You (like../ вы бы…) if one (!) them (be../ был бы) (!) …stage of approval?

She (tell../ ей сказали) that if Sam (recently bring../ если бы…) three clients for a $ 650 top-up, …head (!) …department (delight../ был бы…)) then.

If Joseph (bring../ если бы…) 48 clients this week, we (be../ были бы) calm (!) our bonuses.

We (tell../ нам сказали) that none (!) them (replenish../ не пополнился бы) then.

They (tell../ им сказали) that it (be../ было бы) great if no complaints (receive..) that day.

If now they (be../ были бы) here they (confirm../ они бы…) that last year we (have../ имели) partners (! / из) this country.
