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They were so carried away by its content that Sofochka forgot that after all she should glance at the road.

She only broke away from the magazine when her brand new silver vehicle hit its savior really hard. The Mercedes driver got upset:

– Oh, what have you done, dear lady! Do you have any idea of how much the repair will cost?

– Oh, I’ve never been towed before. – Sofia hastened to justify herself. – Forgive me, please do not be angry, I will pay you everything, sure, just tow us to the repair shop!

– Okay, let’s go further, but I beg. be careful – my car is completely new, as well as yours.

Take two

But there one more time, Solomonida’s driving skills failed – despite the fact that she tried her best to keep the right distance, she did not manage to keep her foot on the brake at the right time and, accordingly, drove into Mer- cedes again.

At the same time, trying to soften the impending collision, the woman began to sharply twist the steering wheel to the left. As a result, the car was driven in the same direction, and, having demolished the taillight and bumper of the unfortunate Mercedes, it drove into the ditch, smoothly pulling the car be- hind it.
