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He pushed me away and sat on the edge of the coffee table.

“What can I do? How can I help her? Everyone seemed to be out for themselves, and only thinking about saving their own skin.”

“Why the hell do you need all of this?” I asked.

“This?” he questioned.

“This!” I threw up my hands, “drunken parties, drugs …”

“Dude, it’s cool!”

“What’s cool? I saw that girl. Oh, she was cool alright, deathly cool. Why on earth did you want me to come with you yesterday?”

“I wanted to show you real life.”

“Real life? C’mon, you call this a ‘life’?” I was shocked. What had happened to him over the last six months?

“It’s cool, it’s fun, it’s exciting!” He got up and came up to me. “It’s much more interesting than sitting at home every evening with stupid comics.”

“They’re not stupid,” I said through clenched teeth.

“And why the hell do you draw those stupid pictures?” He came too close.

“Because I like to,” I answered.

“And I do what I like.” he said as he walked away from me.

“But I doubt that I will end up like that girl with my stupid pictures,” I said under my breath.
