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“It’s real!” he cried.

The more he saw and touched, the more detail appeared. Now there were birds and snakes, and the jungle was filled with sounds. The air grew hotter and wetter. Now Reeve was part of my fantasy, as once I was part of the Mentor’s fantasy farmhouse. The horses snorted, and I didn’t know whether they saw the illusion, or whether for them, we were still standing in the middle of a snow-covered forest. Meanwhile, Reeve dismounted, squatted down and began to examine the insects that were crawling on the ground.

“This is awesome!” he said at last. We were back in the winter forest. “Uncle Henry thinks a lot of you”, he said, getting on a horse. “Now I know why.”

That’s how I learned that the real name of my Mentor was Henry or Henrich, but for some reason he had always hidden this from me.

“You must know your Uncle Henry very well, huh?”

“Oh no, not really,” he said. “But he was very kind to me. After what happened, he took me even though he didn’t have to. I am grateful to him for that.” Reeve immediately grew sad, and I decided not to ask him what happened to his family.
