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Greetings in Estonian were heard everywhere:

– Tere (Hello)

– Tere homigut, – sounded in response.

Suddenly, a mid this Estonian polyphony, I heard:

– Why aren't you dancing? Aren't you having fun?

I turned around and by the light of the candles I could make out a young lady in narrow glasses and long red hair. She spoke very good in Russian, which was not typical for the local youth, but her correct Russian also had a Baltic accent, pleasant for my ear.

– Are you bored? Come on, I'll cheer you up quickly.

I certainly could not refuse such an invitation.

– When ladies invite gentlemen, gentlemen cannot remain indifferent, – I answered and we went to dance.

However, very soon the fast music turned into a slow romantic melody, and now we embraced and began to perform tango. Her fiery red hair exuded a subtle scent of delicious shampoo interspersed with the scent of a clean body that had just come out of the shower.

– What is your name?

Well, since we are so close that we smell each other, then it's time to get to know each other names.
