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And if meal planning is your jam, ssss1 offers four weeks of meals that help you waste less by making the most of your shopping list.

I hope this book changes your perception of food and the environment and your role in it. I hope it’s a reference that you can count on to help you make the most of what you have by creating healthy meals that minimize food waste.

Part 1

Adopting a Food Waste Strategy


Find out how adopting a zero waste cooking method benefits you and the environment.

Learn the basics of kitchen organization so you can begin zero waste cooking.

Understand what sustainability really means.

Discover zero waste action steps that fit your lifestyle.

Chapter 1

Doing Your Best to Waste Less


Rethinking your shopping habits for zero waste

Discovering the benefits of zero waste cooking

Understanding the framework of food and environment

An estimated 30 to 40 percent of the food supply in the United States is wasted due to loss (never delivered or prepared) and waste (thrown away). That’s more than 130 billion pounds of food per year! Hard to imagine, right? Maybe not when you consider how every day, shoppers are enticed to buy food in bulk but often end up throwing away the excess. Or how, all too often, diners bag up restaurant leftovers only to let them languish in the fridge (or, worse yet, in their car’s back seat), and then throw them out, packaging and all. What do these examples have in common? Good intentions, yes. But also, unnecessary waste.
