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 From an ethical standpoint, livestock is raised for food by farmers and ranchers who know what they’re doing and raise and harvest animals in an ethical manner.

 From an environmental standpoint, being a conscientious omnivore can lower your overall food waste, reducing what ends up in landfills.

A vegan, on the other hand, may feel differently, and that’s okay, too. It’s important to keep in mind that there are a few different agendas here: health, the environment, and animal welfare. This book focuses on reducing food waste in your kitchen, not the ethics of eating or not eating meat.

I cover more about agriculture and sustainability in ssss1, but to set the record straight: It’s your choice to be either an omnivore or an herbivore. In both cases, you can have a positive impact on your food budget and the environment when you waste less food (and switching to a zero waste kitchen may also improve your health).

Getting Started: How to Waste Less Food Today

You already have this book in hand, so you likely have already given some thought to your food waste habits. Perhaps you know what you waste but aren’t sure how to change. Or maybe you know you can do better but aren’t sure exactly how much you waste or where to start. No worries. This book meets you wherever you are in your food waste journey. Maybe the topic just sparked your interest, and you want to learn what zero waste cooking is all about. Or maybe you’re already on a food waste journey and need more inspiration and tips to keep going. This book is here for you. Peruse from chapter to chapter and feel free to dog-ear it up!
