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There’s good and bad news. Over the years, it’s been a challenge to track food waste. In 2018, the EPA revised its food measurement methodology to better capture where excess food goes through the food system. The bad news is that we wasted much more food in recent years compared to 1960 (63 million tons in 2018 compared to 12.2 million tons in 1960). The good news is that only 56 percent of the food waste generated in 2018 went to landfills, compared with 100 percent going to landfills in 1960.

Courtesy of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ssss1 Overview of GHG emissions in 2019.

By 1980, the U.S. began working on diverting food waste from landfills and using it for energy (converting food waste to usable heat, electricity, or other fuel), to feed animals, or for composting. We’ve made progress in waste management, but we still have a way to go to reduce overgeneration of food waste.


Most of the foods we eat today were created through traditional breeding methods. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are widely misunderstood due to misinformation or lack of information. Images of “frankenfoods” are shown on the Internet giving an image of scary, unnatural interference with our food supply. A genetically modified organism refers to a precise form of plant breeding that uses genetic engineering (or bioengineering) to create a new seed or plant. Traditional plant breeding takes much more time than GE and makes it a difficult to make specific changes in the plant.
