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Philippa Calnan junto a Jacqueline Kennedy visitando la Casa Blanca ante Casa a orillas del Marne, de Cezanne / Philippa Calnan with Jacqueline Kennedy visiting the White House posing with Cezanne’s House on the Marne. Autor/Author Robert Knudsen


Edición crítica de The Works of George Santayana, Cambridge/London: The MIT Press.

1987. W.G. Holzberger and H.J. Saatkamp (eds.). Persons and Places: Fragments of Autobiography.

1988. W.G. Holzberger and H.J. Saatkamp (eds.). The Sense of Beauty. Being the Outlines of Aesthetics Theory.

1990. W.G. Holzberger and H.J. Saatkamp (eds.). Interpretations of Poetry and Religion.

1994. W.G. Holzberger and H.J. Saatkamp (eds.). The Last Puritan. A Memoir in the Form of a Novel.

2001-2008. W.G. Holzberger (ed.). The Letters of George Santayana.

The Letters of George Santayana. Book One (1868-1909), 2001;

The Letters of George Santayana. Book Two (1910-1920), 2001;

The Letters of George Santayana. Book Three (1921-1927), 2002;

The Letters of George Santayana. Book Four (1928-1932), 2003;

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