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Excellent introductions to Syriac studies are Briquel Chatonnet and Debié 2017 and King 2019; see also Healey 2019 on the religions of Syriac speakers before Christianity. Fundamental reading for research on early Syriac epigraphy and papyrology are Drijvers and Healey 1999 and Healey 2017, which deal with Old Syriac stone inscriptions, inscribed mosaics, documentary material, and coins; while Gardner 1996–2007 and Pedersen and Larsen 2013 are crucial for the Manichaean material. Debié 2015 is fundamental for historiography, together with Brock 1979. Millar 1993: 472–481 and Sommer 2018: 227–271 offer excellent introductions to the history of the kingdom of Osrhoene; while Ross 2001 and Segal 1970 are monographs entirely dedicated to Edessa. For early Syriac literature, see Brock 1997, 2004; Witakowski 2017, and the relevant chapters in King 2019. An important source when working with Syriac texts is the online portal syri.ac, which includes a comprehensive annotated bibliography of open-access resources (inclusive of references to editions and translations) related to Syriac studies; and Brock et al. 2011 is an excellent encyclopedic dictionary for Syriac studies, now also available online at gedsh.bethmardutho.org. A comprehensive bibliography of publications on Syriac Christianity is available at http://www.csc.org.il/db/db.aspx?db=SB; and syriaca.org is a growing collection of digital resources for Syriac studies, including a geographical reference tool, a biographical dictionary, a new handbook of Syriac literature, and a database of hagiographical texts.
