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110 страница из 126 Artificial Non-Nutritive Sweeteners

They are derived from the chemical synthesis of organic compounds. These compounds may or may not be found in nature. A list of artificial non nutritive sweeteners along with their potency and use are listed in ssss1. New artificial sweeteners are researched. These compounds are lowcost product and can be synthesized easily. So, in future, they will be the primary sweetening compound [19].

ssss1 List of artificial non-nutritive sweeteners.

Chemical name of sweetener Trade name of the sweetener Potency Caloric value (cal/g) Use Acesulfame Sunett, Sweet One 200 times sweeter than sugar 0 Used in different candies, desserts, baked goods. Aspartame Nutra Sweet 180–200 times sweeter than sugar 4 Used in soft drinks, chewing gum, frozen desserts, pharmaceuticals. Neotame - 8,000–13,000 times sweeter than sugar 0 Used in beverage, dairy products, baked goods, gums. Saccharin Sweet and Low, Sweet Twin, Sugar Twin, 300–700 times sweeter than sugar 0 Used in beverages and sometimes used together with aspartame. Sucralose Splenda 600 times sweeter than sugar 0 Used in frozen desserts, cookies, candies, baked products.
