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Continuing with exploring the ethical dilemma posed by AI technology, in February 2019, the AMA Journal of Ethics published an article entitled “Ethical Dimensions of Using Artificial Intelligence in Health Care” [2]. In this article, the role that AI plays in healthcare was explored, as well as the ethical implications. The main focus of this article was to find balance between the benefits of AI technology and the inherent risks associated with it.

Another article that provided important insight was “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine” by Hamet and Tremblay [3]. In this article, they describe that there are two main branches of AI in medicine: a physical branch and a virtual branch. Within the virtual branch, which can also be viewed as deep learning, there are three aspects, which are “(i) unsupervised (ability to find patterns), (ii) supervised (classification and prediction algorithms based on previous examples), and (iii) reinforcement learning (use of sequences of rewards and punishments to form a strategy for operation in a specific problem space)” [3]. In comparison, the physical branch largely involves robots that provide a variety of services and applications to both users and physicians.
