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“Kenneth Powers is simply mad to meet you. He’s stayed over a day from college and he’s coming tonight. He’s heard so much about you—”

It had pleased her to know this. It put them on more equal terms, although she was accustomed to stage her own romances with or without a send-off. But following her delighted tremble of anticipation came a sinking sensation which made her ask:

“How do you mean he’s heard about me? What sort of things?”

Elaine smiled—she felt more or less in the capacity of a showman with her more exotic guest.

“He knows you’re good-looking and all that.” She paused—“I guess he knows you’ve been kissed.”

Isabelle had shuddered a bit under the fur robe. She was accustomed to being followed by this, but it never failed to arouse in her the same feeling of resentment; yet—in a strange town it was an advantage. She was a speed, was she? Well? Let them find out. She wasn’t quite old enough to be sorry nor nearly old enough to be glad.

“Anne (this was another schoolmate) told him, I didn’t—I knew you wouldn’t like it,” Elaine had gone on naively. “She’s coming over tonight to the dinner.”
