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All the newest and most beautiful designs in automobiles were out on Fifth Avenue, and ahead of them the Plaza loomed up rather unusually white and attractive. The supple, indolent Gloria walked a short shadow’s length ahead of him, pouring out lazy casual comments that floated a moment on the dazzling air before they reached his ear.

“Oh!” she cried, “I want to go south to Hot Springs! I want to get out in the air and just roll around on the new grass and forget there’s ever been any winter.”

“Don’t you, though!”

“I want to hear a million robins making a frightful racket. I sort of like birds.”

“All women are birds,” he ventured.

“What kind am I?”—quick and eager.

“A swallow, I think, and sometimes a bird of paradise. Most girls are sparrows, of course—see that row of nurse-maids over there? They’re sparrows—or are they magpies? And of course you’ve met canary girls—and robin girls.”

“And swan girls and parrot girls. All grown women are hawks, I think, or owls.”

“What am I—a buzzard?”
