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CEOs of smaller companies come to a seemingly logical conclusion that the drop is due to the incompetence of his new hires or their unwillingness to work. Have you ever heard executives complain about employees who don't want to work? Yet, these same employees had previously produced good results under direct management – and suddenly everything changed.

The real reason is not that people transform overnight, but that the leader- usually, the owner of the company – is only good at directly managing rank and file employees and not his new level of executives. The owner knows the production technology and competently directly guides employees to the desired results. The owner is just not able to effectively manage the executives who must now manage the other employees. It's one thing to fly a plane, which in itself is not an easy task and requires special skills, but it’s a completely different job to lead a team of pilots. A pilot has to competently handle the machine, an executive needs to competently handle people. Additionally, they use completely different bodies of knowledge and tools.
