Читать книгу The Specifications of All Domestic and Foreign Motor-cars and Motor Business Wagons, 1907. Illustrated Directory онлайн

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 PRICE: $1,250

 BODY: Side entrance, detachable tonneau

 SEATS: 5 persons

 WEIGHT: 1,750 pounds

 WHEEL-BASE: 90 inches

 TREAD: 56 inches

 TIRES, FRONT: 30 × 3½ inches

 TIRES, REAR: 30 × 3½ inches

 STEERING: Irreversible

 BRAKES: Double construction, bands on differential

 SPRINGS: Semi-elliptic, front; full elliptic, rear

 FRAME: Angle steel

 BORE: 5 in.; STROKE: 5 in.

 CYLINDERS: Double opposed


 MOTOR SUSPENSION: Under body from cross members

 COOLING: Water; spiral wound tube radiator

 IGNITION: Jump spark

 CURRENT SUPPLY: Dry batteries

 CARBURETER: Automatic

 LUBRICATION: Force feed, automatic

 MOTOR-CONTROL: Spark and throttle

 CLUTCH: Cone type

 CHANGE GEAR: Planetary type

 SPEEDS: 2 forward and reverse

 CHANGE-GEAR CONTROL: Side lever for forward speeds, pedal for reverse

 DRIVE: Single chain

Auburn, Model D, 24 H.P. Auburn Automobile Co., Auburn, Ind.


 PRICE: $1,250

 BODY: Side entrance tonneau

 SEATS: 5 persons

 WEIGHT: 1,750 pounds

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