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“Did he?” asked Ruth, surprised that anyone would want to sell Easter Eggs.

“I’m going over and find out—I guess that’s what Don is talking about now,” replied Dot, joining her twin brother.

“Say, Dot, Ikey just told me he made 56 cents on those Easter eggs, and now he’s set up in business—newspaper business of his own. He wants me to go in as his partner—what do you think of it?” said Don in a low voice, for fear his brother or Jinks might overhear the plan.

“Pooh! You couldn’t leave Oakdale for a newspaper business, and what’s the good of having a business if you can’t look after it yourself?” replied Dot.

“He could yust invest his money an’ I’d look after it,” hurriedly explained Ikey, all for business.

“If Don looked after all he ought to at home, he’d have more interests than he could take care of. No sir! You leave Ikey Einstein to manage his own investment!” decided Dot, the practical.

“You’re jealous ’cause you were left out—that’s what!” said Don, impatiently, as Dot pulled him back to his friends.

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