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“That’s fine! Where is the drill to take place? Maybe we can all go and watch them,” said Miss Martin.

“We kin! I was just washin’ Freddy’s han’s to take him wid me—he’s too little to leave behind, yeh see.”

Miss Martin’s little flock of six understood that part of life, for had not each one of them been scrubbed and polished with brown soap and coarse rags just before leaving the city?

Freddy was soon cleansed from the results of making mud-pies near the brook, and Maggie triumphantly led the way to the large green clearing where the drill was to take place. On the way she pointed out other Nests and explained who occupied them, then she showed Miss Martin the hospital, or clinic, as Maggie called it.

“Dis Nest next to yourn is goin’ to have some blind kids in it, from the asylum up in the Bronx. Miss Flutey tol’ me not one of ’em ever saw anyt’ing on de outside world. She said all dey coul’ see was what was inside dere minds—do you b’lieve dat?” asked Maggie, doubtfully.

“Oh yes, Maggie. Blind folks have no idea of the exterior world and so picture it for themselves in their thoughts—that is anyone who has been born blind and never saw material things.”
