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“The four big girls you see in the other group are Mother’s Helpers. Everyone knows what a Mother’s Helper is, and with these four Helpers to go about and offer help to any little Mother Wings, there ought to be a chance for everyone to have a good time.

“Take Maggie, for instance! Maggie has six little brothers and sisters to look after, and they are a handful. Now one of these official Mother’s Helpers can help Maggie in the morning so that she need not be late for breakfast on account of having so many little ones to wash and dress,” explained Uncle Ben, smiling at Maggie.

The latter heaved a deep sigh and said: “Oh t’ank you, Uncle Ben!”

“Tomorrow morning at nine o’clock sharp, the Firemen will drill at this place, and at ten o’clock the Police Force will meet and drill,” said Uncle Ben, and the meeting was over for that day.

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