Читать книгу Floral Illustrations of the Seasons. Consisting of the Most Beautiful, Hardy and Rare Herbaceous Plants, Cultivated in the Flower Garden онлайн

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Crocus vernus. Crocus susianus. —— versicolor. —— sulphureus. —— nudiflorus. —— sativus. —— biflorus. —— autumnalis.

Pl. 1.

Plate 2. Hepatica Triloba. Drawn from Nature by M.R. Engraved by R. Havell Junr.

HEPATICA triloba.


Common Blue Hepatica.

Class and Order.—Polyandria Polygynia.

Syn. Hepatica triloba. Pursh, N. A. F., vol. ii., p. 391.

Root fibrous—leaves radical, three-lobed, on long petioles—stem simple, erect, pubescent—one-flowered calyx of three leaves—corolla blue—six petals, oval-shaped—stamens numerous, fixed to the receptacle—styles many—stigmas obtuse.

The blue variety of the Hepatica triloba, which blooms about March, is one of our most beautiful Spring flowers, and is more readily cultivated than any of the other kinds. According to Pursh, "It is a native of Canada, and is found in woods, and on the sides of fertile and rocky hills." The double variety of this plant is less common in our gardens, and the single white variety is rare. These plants like a loamy soil, and eastern exposure—and should be removed when they are in blossom. The roots do not bear to be often separated; and if divided into small pieces are frequently lost: but if left undisturbed in a congenial situation, they will attain great luxuriance. Miller says the single varieties are easily propagated by seed; but our more modern gardeners do not coincide in this opinion. The new leaves do not appear until after the flowers, though occasionally those of the preceding year retain their freshness, as in the figure here given. All the Hepaticas are ornamental.
