Читать книгу Report on the Migration of Birds in the Spring and Autumn of 1881. Third Report онлайн

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Notes have been kept upon about 25 species of waterfowl and about 50 species of land birds by our reporters on the east coast. Spring migration I have not kept distinct in this Report. Obituary at each station, inappreciable at Scottish stations, will be noticed where necessary under General Remarks.

Owing to Mr. T. Anderson having been almost entirely sailing to and fro in the Mediterranean, I regret that I can show no returns this year from Mid-Atlantic, which is to be regretted, as it would be instructive to learn what are the results of a contrary prevailing wind to that of 1880. Possibly, however, Mr. R. Gray may yet be able to give us some returns of interest culled from the Mediterranean log, which may raise other points of interest.

The following short notes on weather are compiled from the 'Times' Register for 1881, and checked by my own schedules:—A sudden change of temperature at the beginning of August, colder by about two degrees than July. Rainfall excessive over all Scotland, except northern half where it was less than average; cold and wet all August, about six degrees colder than corresponding period of 1880. Prevailing wind W., seldom veering to E., until Aug. 23rd; thereafter in Scotland prevailing E. and N.E.; on Aug. 31st N. winds prevailed, N.E., and continued till about Sept. 6th; thereafter W. and N.W. till 16th; then S. and S.E. till 21st; from 22nd to 24th E.; 24th to 30th S. to W.; Oct. 1st to 10th S.; 10th to 13th strong W.; 14th gale from E., and continued E. and S.E. to end of month. S.E. to S. strong winds and gales, or light from Nov. 1st to 11th; S.W. strong and a gale 15th and 16th; frost on 17th; 22nd S. to S.W. and W., heavy gales in N. and W. Unsettled, with frequent changes of wind and weather, many W. gales till end of month, and till Dec. 8th. N. and E. on both coasts from Dec. 9th to 12th, S. on 13th, and S. and W. on 14th; S. and W. till 20th, when E.; and W.N.W. on 21st. Prevailing W. and S.W. till end of month.
