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With this arrangement, the bottom of the shaft serves as an antechamber for the sump, in which is collected the washing from the mine and the dripping from the shaft. The sump proper rarely needs cleaning.

The pumps are generally of high-grade, compound-and triple-expansion, pot-valved, outside-packed plunger pattern. Plants with electrical power distribution have recently installed direct-connected compound centrifugal pumps with entire success.

Pumps of the Cornish pattern have never been used much in this region. One such pump has been installed, but the example has not been followed even by the company putting it in.

The irregular disposition of the ore renders any systematic plan of drifting or mining (as in coal or vein mining) impossible. On each side of the shaft and in a direction at right angles to its greater horizontal dimension, drifts 12 to 14 ft. in width are driven to a distance of 60 or 70 ft. In these broad drifts are located the tracks and also the “crossovers” for running the cars on and off the cage.
