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The dust recovered in the collecting flue is burnt, together with the fume caught by the bags, the coal which it contains furnishing the combustible. It burns smolderingly and frits together somewhat. The product (chiefly lead sulphate) is then smelted in a shaft furnace, together with the gray slag from the hearth furnaces. The total extraction of lead is about 98 per cent., i.e., the combined process of Scotch-hearth and blast-furnace smelting yields 98 per cent. of the lead contained in the crude ore.

The direct yield of lead from the Scotch hearths is about 70 per cent. They also produce gray slag, containing much lead, which amounts to about 25 per cent. of the weight of the ore. About equal proportions of lead pass into the slag and into the flue dust. When working to the full capacity, with rich ore (80 per cent. lead and more) the 20 furnaces can produce about 200 tons of lead in 24 hours. The coke consumption in the hearth furnaces amounts to only 8 per cent. of the ore. The lead from these furnaces is refined for 30 minutes to one hour by steam in a cast-iron kettle of 35 tons capacity, and is cast into bars either alone or mixed with lead from the shaft furnace. The “Federal Brand” carries nearly 99.9 per cent. lead, 0.05 to 0.1 per cent. copper, and traces of nickel and cobalt.
