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A shout followed his reply, and the borderman said, in a lugubrious tone:

“By ther Rockies! Yer hev calt me, pard; I is gettin’ too darned well known in these parts; waal, what do you an’ yer pards drink?”

“We are one against many, and I believe in fair play, so you and your friends drink with us,” frankly answered the Texan, and turning to the crowd he continued:

“Gentlemen, join us; wine here, barkeeper.”

“Hold on, pard; let me sift ther dead beats out, fer——”

“No, no, Old Negotiate; I include all in my invitation; fill up all around, barkeeper.”

The corks popped, the wine went round, and the health of the handsome Texan was drunk with a cheer, after which Old Negotiate said:

“Pard, when last I see yer, thar were in your comp’ny a man by ther name o’ Kent King.”

“Yes, the Gambler Guide, whom our captain was taking to Texas.”

“Thet were ther man; has he passed in yit?”

“No, he escaped from us, when we were near Santa Fe.”


“The Gambler Guide free?”

“Kent King not dead?”

Such were the expressions that ran round the crowd, after a general exclamation of surprise that followed the Texan’s announcement.
