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“I think we can leave him now, Mr. Cody,” said Tabor.

“I think so, too; good night, Kate,” answered the scout.

“Good night, gentlemen,” she said; “I thank you for saving me from those villains to-night, but more for bringing me face to face with that man.”

She pointed to the prisoner, who had closed his eyes to avoid the stare of the dog. Mounting their horses, Buffalo Bill and Tabor rode rapidly away.

Arriving at his own cabin, the scout turned to the lamp to examine the package sent him by Captain Dash. To his surprise he saw that it contained a large and beautiful diamond, and upon a piece of paper was written in the Texas chief’s hand:

“Load one chamber of your pet revolver with this diamond as a bullet; mark which it is, and keep it to send into the heart of Kent King, the gambler, whenever you again meet him.

“I have the mate of the stone I send you, and keep it for the same purpose should he cross my path.

“Captain Dash, of the Revolver Riders.”



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