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“It looks as though I was going to win my bet, Cody,” said Kent King, with a sneer.

“You have got the stakes, anyhow, by murdering this poor girl, and, of course, I need expect no mercy,” was the cool reply.

“Murdered Kate! What do you mean?” and the man’s face turned white.

“I had a suspicion that you were not what you represented yourself, and when Mrs. Dooley, who had dressed poor Kate for the grave, told me that her hair had been dyed yellow, I determined to ferret out the mystery, and I have done so.”

“You have run yourself into a death trap, and whether I killed Kate or not, you will never be called as a witness in the case.”

“I’m not dead yet, old man.”

“No, but you will be within the minute; for I intend to kill you,” was the deliberate reply.

Then Kent King’s revolver covered Buffalo Bill’s heart, while he continued:

“I want you to die with the pleasant thought that I am going West to marry Mary Hale——”

“I doubt it.”

“Well, as you will not live to see if I do, you must take my word for it. After I have got possession of her fortune, for she has one the judge knows nothing about, she, too, will die of the same disease that killed Kate Colvin—namely, poison!”

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