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All these motifs are traditional, though I have not found the figure terra-Maria (‘virgin soil’) anywhere else except in DanteDante and in this passage from the Dubia of Hugo of St VictorHugo v. St. Victor. But it too must belong to the tradition, since the Allegoriae are nothing else than a compendium of traditional typology. More widespread is the figure Eva-Ecclesia, in connexion with the lateral wounds30 and the relation between Adam’s sleep and Christ’s Passion; it was familiar already to TertullianTertullian who writes (De Anima, 43): Si enim Adam de Christo figuram Jabot, somnus Adae mors erat Christi dormituri in mortem, ut de iniuria lateris eius vera mater viventium figuraretur Ecclesia. As for the figure Eva-Maria, it has been, I think, most beautifully presented by Bernard of ClairvauxBernhard v. Clairvaux; the following passage comes from the once famous Sermo de aquaeductu (In nativitate B. Mariae Virginis, § 6, Patr. Lat., CLXXXIII, 441), which we will have to quote again afterwards: Ne dixeris ultra, o Adam: mulier quam dedisti mihi dedit mihi de ligno vetito; dic potius: mulier quam dedisti mihi me cibavit fructu benedicto.
