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The image meridiana face comes from Bernard’s interpretation of Cant. 1, 6, indica mihi quem diligit anima mea, ubi pascas, ubi cubes in meridie. It cannot be clearly gathered from the brief allusions of the sermon de aquaeductu, but is fully explained in the commentary to the quoted verse of the Canticles (Sermones in Cant. XXXIII, Patr. Lat., LXXXIII, 951). That noon which the bride searches for, while she still walks in the flesh, while she only through faith possesses a shadow of the truth, is eternal beatitude: etenim illa meridies tata est dies, et ipse nesciens vesperam; or a little later:

… sane extunc (after Christ’s ascension) elevatus est sol, et sensim demum diffundens suos radios super terram coepit paulatim ubique clarior apparere fervidiorque sentiri. Verum quantumlibet incalescat et invalescat …, non tamen ad meridianum perveniet lumen, nec in illa sui plenitudine videbitur modo, in qua videndus est postea, ab his dumtaxat, quos hac visione ipse dignabitur. O vere meridies, plenitudo fervoris et lucis, solis statio, umbarum exterminatio, desiccatio paludum, fetorum depulsio! O perenne solstitium, quando iam non inclinabitur dies! O lumen meridianum. …
